Monday 22 December 2014

SharePoint 2013: Claims Encoding

SharePoint 2013 display identity claims with the following encoding format:
·         <IdentityClaim>:0<ClaimType><ClaimValueType><AuthMode>|<OriginalIssuer (optional)>|<ClaimValue>
·         For e.g.  à i:0#.w|<Domain Name>\<userid>

  • <IdentityClaim> indicates the type of claim and is the following:
    • i” for an identity claim
    • c” for any other claim
  • <ClaimType> indicates the format for the claim value and is the following:
    • #” for a user logon name
    • .” for  an anonymous user
    • 5” for an email address
    • !” for an identity provider
    • +” for a Group security identifier (SID)
    • -“ for a role
    • %” for a farm ID
    • ?” for a name identifier
    • "\" for a private personal identifier (PPID)
    • "e" for a user principal name (UPN)
  • <ClaimValueType> indicates the type of formatting for the claim value and is the following:
    • .” for a string
    • +” for an RFC 822-formatted name
  • <AuthMode> indicates the type of authentication used to obtain the identity claim and is the following:
    • w” for Windows claims (no original issuer)
    • s” for the local SharePoint security token service (STS) (no original issuer)
    • t” for a trusted issuer
    • m” for a membership issuer
    • r” for a role provider issuer
    • f” for forms-based authentication
    • c” for a claim provider
  • <OriginalIssuer> indicates the original issuer of the claim.
  • <ClaimValueType> indicates the value of the claim in the <ClaimType> format.

Here are some examples:
Type of claim
Encoded claim
Claim encoding breakdown
Windows User
i:0#.w|<Domain name>\<UserID>
  • “i” for an identity claim
  • “#” for the user logon name  format for the claim value
  • “.” for a string
  • “w” for Windows claims
  • “<Domain name>\<UserID>” for the identity claim value (the Windows account name)
Windows Authenticated Users group
  • “c” for a claim other than identity
  • “!” for an identity provider
  • “.” for a string
  • “s” for the local SharePoint STS
  • “windows” for the Windows Authenticated Users group
SAML authentication (Trusted User)
  • “i” for an identity claim
  • “5” for the email address format for the claim value
  • “.” for a string
  • “t” for a trusted issuer
  • “adfs” identifies the original issuer of the identity claim
  • “” for the identity claim value
Forms-based authentication
  • “i” for an identity claim
  • “#”for the user logon name  format for the claim value
  • “.” for string
  • “f” for forms-based authentication
  • “mymembershipprovider” identifies the original issuer of the identity claim
  • “userid” for the user logon name

This change means that your userid would look something like this:

i:0#.w|<Domain Name>\<userid>

Instead of this:

<Domain Name>\<userid>
Sometimes when calling other services, you need the windows userid and not the claim userid.  So for these instances, I’ve created a few helper methods.

public const string CLAIMS_REGEX = @"(?<IdentityClaim>[ic])?:?0(?<ClaimType>[#\.5\!\+\-%?\\])(?<ClaimValueType>[\.\+])(?<AuthMode>[wstmrfc])(\|(?<OriginalIssuer>[^\|]*))?(\|(?<ClaimValue>.*))";

public static string GetAdUserIdForClaim(string login)
     string userName = login;
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(login, CLAIMS_REGEX, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
       if (m.Groups["AuthMode"].Captures[0].Value.ToLower() == "w") // Base on your Requirement change authentication    mode[authentication mode:-> wstmrfc].
           userName = m.Groups["ClaimValue"].Captures[0].Value;
      catch { }
return userName;

Name :- Sameer Kothari
Email :-

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