Saturday, 8 August 2015


1) They are looking for you!
Start-ups are constantly looking out for new candidates with high potential, new ideas and unlimited zeal.

2) Do you fit the bill?
What do you need to know if you are apt for a company at a start-up because this isn't your usual 9-5 job? Read on to find out what are the essentials of a start-up employee and whether you have them or not?

3) Have vision and empathy
You completely understand and identify with the vision of the start-up and see it achieving the targets it has set for itself.

4) Committed
You are willing to work hard and use all your skills to help achieve the targets and goals of the start-up.

5) Ready to learn
Start-ups are the best place to learn about the field you are entering as they often provide you a wider scope of what the 'real world' looks like.

6) Can multi task
Such a job never comes with a rigid company profile. You could be web-developer who is also taking interviews as well taking part in the online marketing of the start-up.

7) Ready to be pushed
Start-jobs also help you test yourself. You will be pushed to do your best by your leaders, co-workers and sometimes your own belief in the project.

8) Can't work with red tape
If you feel bogged down by the idea of red-tapism, then start-ups are the place for you to be. It's usually a free environment with direct communication channels always open with your seniors.

9) Can and want to network
You often end up meeting awesome people while on the company head and these connections go a long way in improving your network for company.

10) Bear multiple responsibilities
As there is no strict company profile, you go on to shoulder many responsibilities but the rewards, like potential part ownership or growth in terms of position on management ladder, make it worthy.

11) Ready to be inspired
Startup often have an inspiring person or a group of people who have a strong belief in their vision. Employees of a startup have shared that they draw their inspiration from their leaders on a repeated basis.

12) Like awesome work environment
This is one of the highlights of a start-up. Many allow work from home, and even while in office, it's a relaxed environment in terms of no rigid cubicles or hierarchical division of space.

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